Sunday, April 18, 2010

To Bottle OR Not To Bottle?

With all the ideas of how we can become "greener," the bottled water industry has found itself under attack and not very "green" at all. In the following two articles, reasons for and against bottled water are given and I feel that while the reasons to use bottled water are compelling, they are just as achievable without the use of bottled water, rather just water in a reusable water bottle.

The first article explains the reasons why bottled water is increasing and why it is necessary. One reason is that tap water may be contaminated and can therefore be hazardous to health. Another reason is that tap water may taste and/or smell "bad." The article also argues that the bottled water industry is one of economic opportunity. While all these reasons may be true, plastic water bottles are not the solution.

The next article gives reasons not to buy plastic water bottles. In short the arguments were: that bottled water is not a good value, it is no healthier than tap, bottled water means more garbage, there will be less attention to public systems, and that water, what many deem to be a natural human right to have safe and affordable access to, is becoming a corporation. All of these reasons can be backed by proven and studied facts.

The arguments from the first article can also be backed by facts, but rather than making bottled water the solution, the reusable water bottle industry should be more actively suggested. By using reusable water bottles, unnecessary plastic bottle garbage will no longer be created, a focus will remain on public water filtration systems because consumers will use their own tap water to fill their bottles, and there will still be an industry for a product - a much "greener" product.

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