Saturday, March 27, 2010

Demonstration Speech Self-Evaluation

My demonstration speech was a basic introduction on the parts of a guitar and a number of beginner techniques. Within my speech I identified the guitar as a great tool used to communicate ideas, share emotions, and forge relationships. Being a fairly common musical instrument, it has been used in many cultures both past and present to do such things and playing guitar can also be a great hobby.

I believe I presented my speech in a logical and easy to follow order, first giving a brief description of the main parts of a guitar, next a few accessories, and then finally onto a few commonly used techniques.

My overall physical presentation during the demonstration was fairly good. I maintained enthusiasm which is shown in the clear volume of voice and my positive body language (smile, eye contact). I do feel that I rushed myself towards the end as I probably had more information than was necessary to fill a six minute speech.

My guitar was both an essential visual aid as well as one that kept the interest of my audience. It is a rather engaging guitar with its sunburst finish and interestingly shaped bridge and inlays, and I can't forget the fact that it allows for the creation of some great music.

If given the chance, I would choose this topic again for a demonstration speech but I would definitely work with a narrower scope such as only the techniques and leave out defining the parts of the guitar. Although the parts of a guitar are interesting, omitting such information would allow for a better and more engaging explanation of actual playing skills. If I focused on just the auditory side of guitar, I would be able to keep my audience better interested and keep my presentation within the allotted time frame, which I did exceed by more than a minute.

Overall, I feel my presentation went rather well and came away from it with a better understanding of what it takes to give an effective presentation.

Photo Credit:
Guitar -

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