Friday, May 7, 2010

Persuasive Speech Self-Evaluation

Deforestation has become a direct threat to both our planet's health as well as our own. While it has already made a huge impact on our planet, it does not receive a large amount of attention and often, most people know little to no information about the pressing topic. For my speech, I not only wanted to inform my audience of the problem at hand, but also persuade them to take a firm stance against deforestation efforts that greatly harm our environment.

I feel that the better parts of my speech included my visual aid, the organization of my material, and my speaking ability. While I could always improve on my overall speech presentation, I believe I fairly good job at presenting and persuading my audience to agree with my overall point: deforestation efforts must be stopped, and sustainable methods of harvesting such resources must be used.

My powerpoint presentation helped me get my point across by providing visual examples of the problem and also organizing my arguments in a clear, concise matter. I did notice that some of the slides ran a little heavy on words but I don't think that this was distracting. I divided my presentation into first benefits and then second, the costs deforestation comes with. I used a stacked approach for laying out my arguments because I feel that they all played on each other and would become a stronger argument if presented together.

As a whole, my voiced seemed clear but I spoke very fast most of the time because of the large amount of information I wanted to get across. I was able to understand what i said but I think that without any room for pauses, information may have not had enough time to actually make an impact on my audience. I also, distractingly, "talked with my hands" the entire presentation and I found it to become distracting to a point. This may have been due to the fact that I did not use note cards or read off an outline and therefore my hands were free to move the whole time. Next time, I would really try to avoid this.

All in all, my point may have gotten across and my "call to action" gave the audience many different ideas on how to act on this issue, but I feel I could have given a stronger performance if I had more time and just slowed down. Syncing the amount of information and the time to give it in is important and that would be something I need to work on for the future.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Would you like to try the dip?

"I know you don't like tofu, but trust me this will be good" the conversation started. I always look forward to Thursday night dinners with my older sister and nephew; it's become tradition since I've started college. We rotate turns picking "recipes" and this particular last Thursday she chose tofu tacos and guacamole, attempting to persuade my taste buds to like the former. Well, that never happened but we sure had a meal to remember.

Time to go to the store and I had to get tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers, and avocados. Needless to say, my half went smoothly as planned. My sister was in charge of the remaining ingredients, including the tofu. So meal time comes and we start cooking.

Sister - "The tofu is cooking right."
Me - "Maybe you should turn the temperature up."
Sister - "OK"
(5 minutes go by)
"Nope, still not right."
(she looks at the packaging)
"This isn't tofu, it's feta cheese!"

So we ended up having a large assortment of dips and chips for dinner. Salsa, guacamole, and a feta cheese/bean/pepper medley. Definitely not as expected, but I was perfectly content with the way things ended up. I, after all, managed to escape the tofu for at least another three weeks.

Michael Pollan and what is known as the "Slow Food Movement" urge us to eat responsibly and take time preparing and eating our meals. I agree that slowing down our busy days at meal time may be better for our overall level of hunger, stress, and physical fatigue, but I don't think it would be possible for our Thursday night tradition to become one of every day. Between busy schedules, it just wouldn't be convenient. I don't know what is set in store for the future, but I hope it somehow consists of these sort of meals. They're delicious and healthy.

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